Virtual International Zoo

Welcome to the International Zoo! This page displays children’s characters representing each organization in the Alliance. We have planned several joint children’s books featuring the characters introduced here that will teach children not only the skills to manage their food allergies but also that food allergy is a worldwide issue and they are not alone. Stay tuned!

Jeremy the Wallaby – Jeremy is a wallaby who lives in Australia. He is allergic to peanuts and eggs. Anaphylaxis Australia (formerly The Food Anaphylactic Children Training and Support Association) has several children’s characters. Visit their website to meet them all!
Did You Know? Wallabies eat twice a day–in the afternoon and at dusk.

Canada (Anaphylaxis Canada)
Penny the Polar Bear – Penny is a polar bear who lives in Canada. Polar bears usually like to eat fish, but Penny is allergic to this food.
Did You Know? Polar bears like to share their food and many times eat in groups.

Canada (Association Quebecoise des Allergies Alimentaire)

Bernie the Fox – Bernie is a fox who lives in Canada. His name in French is Bernard le renard. Many foxes like to eat eggs, however, Bernie is allergic to this food!
Did You Know? Red foxes eat a wide variety of foods and sometimes bury or hide their leftovers to eat later.